Interest Groups

At present we have no interest groups. Members are invited to organize informal groups to pursue any topic. For instance: book club, gourmet, language study, bridge, dance.

Are you participating in the   ¡Adelante! Book of the Month Club, a feature of the national AAUW website?
As many of you know, book clubs are a great way to meet people, learn new things, and have fun! Many AAUW members share a love of reading, and that’s why the ¡Adelante! Book of the Month Club began. Using the reading list and online author discussions, we’re learning, having meaningful conversations, spotlighting engrossing stories, and supporting female authors, who are much less likely than male authors to have their books reviewed in major publications like the New York Times and Harper’s Magazine. Get involved by checking out this year’s reading list, starting your own ¡Adelante! book club group, RSVPing for an upcoming author discussion, or signing up to be the first to know about future events!